Q. As we head to the beach for a two-week vacation, my wife and kids want me to leave my cell phone behind so I won't be distracted with client calls. Is this a good idea?
The Lawyer's Lawyer
Q. Like everything else, I'm behind in formulating my New Year's resolutions. Aside from getting my booster shot, what should I resolve to do in the year ahead?
Q. In a profession with a higher incidence of mental illness and addiction than society at large, are we doing enough to care for our colleagues?
Without Expertise, He'll Take What He'll Please,
On Everything under the Sun.
Should Jack Forgo Fees, Adopt Specialties,
Or Limit His Focus to One?
Q. When I started practicing, I was excited to represent clients, try cases, and resolve serious problems. Now I feel like I've lost my "mojo," lack the energy I once had, and dread going to the office. Any advice?
Q. After two other lawyers let her down, a sexual harassment victim approached me to fight for fair compensation. I haven't done these cases before, but she thinks the case is worth millions in light of the #MeToo movement. Should I take the case?